Yi Cao, one of peers gave me feedback on my LP and Sys Plan....I am waiting to hear from Jacqui....I need to start on their's as well....
Yi Cao, one of peers gave me feedback on my LP and Sys Plan....I am waiting to hear from Jacqui....I need to start on their's as well....
Posted by RJ at 23:48 0 comments
I have been playing around with so much code for the past few days ...going through the molasses of code...I am done !! I am wondering what am I doing here....then I wake up from my nightmare and start coding !! I haven't even got one page together....I am so going to ask Tim for an extension...
Some people have finished their system plan..I haven't yet....
I feel as if I am lagging way too behind...
I got the peer review....that also means I must go back to it and change it too !!! Darn...
Now for some sleep...
Posted by RJ at 01:09 0 comments